by Olive

Anderson.Paak's cover album from bandcamp, released in 2013. He reworks classic songs in his own jazzy, R&B funk style. His bandcamp website says this was done as commentary on the 'race records' from the 1950's- when white artists would steal the sound of black artists and turn them into pop hits (in short). This cover album symbolically puts the funk and soul back into popular rock and roll songs by white artists. At the end of the first cover, Maps, he added a sound recording, maybe from a movie or a speech, that says "your absence of integrity has filled me with rage...", an excerpt that I think aptly summarizes his motives for the album.


This is a jazz playlist used during the figure drawing sessions I lead at Bucknell. Watching people dance while also trying to draw with charcoal is just as fun as the drawing.


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