
          As of the fall semester 2019, VIA will take over Bucknell's radio station, located in Stuck House off of 7th street. Students will enjoy internships and benefit from the learning opportunities created by having a professional radio station on campus. Formerly known as WVBU, the previous radio station which was run by Bucknell students and staff, VBU is the new streaming and online version of our radio- more suited for today's music listening style. Read more about the switch here:   The Bucknellian,   Current News

Inspired by our history and experience as a campus radio station, VBU's mission is to create a unique resource for the Bucknell community that shares music, opinion, art, culture and news. We hope to serve as a hub for local and campus creatives, and to create opportunities to share ideas, pool resources, and showcase talent.


Campus Artists:

Use your talent on campus! Email vbustreaming@bucknell.edu to see how we can help your music or podcast gain more exposure, and put you in conversation with other creatives at Bucknell.

Join the team!

If you want to start a podcast, share your music, or contribute to VBU, email us at vbustreaming@bucknell.edu


Love VBU? Show your support through a donation! Go to the bucknell Make a Gift Online page and enter ‘VBU – University Music and Streaming’ into the Other category. We appreciate all support!